Wisconsin Universities Seek $855M in Additional Funding to Improve National Ranking

GREEN BAY, WI — “Budgets reflect priorities,” said Jay Rothman, President of the Universities of Wisconsin, during his visit to UW-Green Bay on Wednesday. Rothman spoke at the Weidner Center about the Universities of Wisconsin’s budget request for 2025-27.

Last week, the University’s Board of Regents asked Governor Tony Evers for an additional $855 million in the next state budget. Wisconsin is currently 43rd out of 50 states in public funding for state universities.

“That shows how long the Universities of Wisconsin have been overlooked,” Rothman said. The proposed budget would move Wisconsin’s universities to the middle of the national rankings in public funding.

“All the states around Wisconsin—Illinois, Minnesota, Michigan, and Iowa—are in the top ten for funding,” Rothman added. He explained that the UW system relies too much on student tuition and that more public funding would be a smart investment for the state.

“Education opens doors and changes lives. Being 43rd out of 50 doesn’t do that; this isn’t the Wisconsin I know,” Rothman said. Rothman also noted that a budget increase would help keep and attract talented teaching staff.

He promised not to raise tuition during the two-year budget period if the system receives the funding it needs.

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